SAVE KRATOM! Why The FDA & WHO Are Blatantly Corrupt And Kratom Should Stay Legal
By now most of you have probably heard about kratom, how could you not? The FDA and DEA haven’t shut up about banning it since 2016, and no matter what the public says they refuse to get their greedy hands off of it. You would think they’d like it since green is their favorite color and all, but sadly no, they only like the green of money that goes into their bank accounts. In this article I will be explaining the blatant corruption of these government agencies, and how their failures to ban a completely safe plant that has saved millions of lives, mine included, has led them to leave the United States and attempt to police the entire planet with a worldwide ban on kratom. Something I didn’t even realize was an option.
These people are desperate to ban kratom. The pharmaceutical companies have them so deep in their pockets that no matter what we say, no matter how many people will die the day they ban it, they choose to continue their tyraid forward so long as it makes them money. Remember that next time you go vote. You are a dollar sign to these people and nothing more. They see you as replaceable. If you die someone else will have a kid to take your place and they couldn’t care less because they get to live in luxury and do whatever hard drugs they feel like while snorting it with the dollars they made killing all of us. Not saying this is what they actually do behind closed doors but I wouldn’t be surprised. Stereotypes exist for a reason, they don’t just come from no basis. But let’s get into where this all started and what kratom actually is before we go further just so you can have a clear and true understanding of what it is the WHO may potentially be banning next week and why so many people are outraged.
Kratom is a tree leaf from Southern Asia with the potential to be grown in almost any tropical climate if the seeds are kept alive long enough for planting. I am looking at you Florida. There have been many studies on Kratom recently. The ones done by independent doctors and Universities always tell a different story than the ones done by government agencie. The American Kratom Association recently posted a study on their Twitter about kratom done by independent scientists stating that kratom is not dangerous nor is it a cause for concern. In other words it is not a danger to public safety. Now according to the FDA I cannot legally tell you that kratom has legitimate medical uses but I can legally tell you the reasons that I use it, which are the same reasons millions of other people use it. More on that in a bit. First let’s finish explaining what kratom is.
Kratom is in the same family as coffee. The leaves are usually ground up into powder and swallowed orally. Now I want to tell you the most important part about kratom. Until now, after thousands of years of use, there have been ZERO deaths associated to kratom alone. All the deaths where kratom was found to be in a person’s system were either polydrug overdoses, suicides, or blatant accidents such as car crashes. Now I am not going to say that kratom may not have had a role in the car crashes since they were possibly driving while under the influence of kratom AKA intoxicated, which you should never do and you are scum if you do. But the kratom itself is not what killed those people. When we compare these deaths to almost any other item on the market, such as alcohol, tobacco, tylenol, cars, dryer sheets, etc. The death rate for kratom even including deaths that were not solely attributed to kratom is astronomically low by comparison. We are talking barely over 100 people in the past 5 or so years since we started documenting it. Actual opioids kill close to 30,000 people a year and the number just keeps on rising for them as more people become addicted. We have an opiate crisis in this country. I should know, I was part of it, and so was almost every person I was friends with growing up.
I grew up in a hick town in the middle of nowhere and even there heroin/fentanyl were huge problem. That should put the scale of how bad the opiate epidemic currently is into perspective. I started taking vicodin and percocet at 14 years old stealing them from my step-dad and being given them along with Valium by my 15 year old girlfriend at the time like they were candy since she had an almost endless supply after her ankle surgery. I had severe neck and back pain due to spinal birth defects. My atlas bone has a hook shape on it which causes me severe neck pain and my spine is far too straight with no curvature at all and is supporting my body’s entire weight in a way that my doctors still don’t know how it hasn’t simply snapped on me. I got hooked really easily on painkillers looking for a way to stop my pain, the muscle relaxers the doctors gave me did nothing but make me tired, and it was a problem that led to me doing heroin as well. I didn’t get off the stuff until I had freshly turned 19 and was told by a childhood friend that he had recently used kratom to get off of heroin and he urged me to try it. I tried it and since then I have not touched another opiate. Kratom saved my life. I nearly died many times on heroin. I had no money, was homeless for three years because of it, and lived a life no one should ever be subjected to. Kratom ended all of that for me. I am married now, with a house, two luxury cars, and a legitimate business that keeps me and my wife afloat. This was all made possible because kratom both got me off of opiates and helps me manage the pain I was born with and certainly didn’t ask for. Not to mention I was also in a skateboarding accident where I was knocked unconscious and when I woke up got hit by a car which definitely didn’t help anything. You know what the doctors prescribed me when that happened? Vicodin. They gave vicodin to a junkie. My opiate tolerance was so high it did nothing for me since the accident happened while I was still an addict.
There are millions of people with similar stories. I am no anomaly. People with pain using kratom to manage it. People With opiate addictions using kratom to get off the stuff and stay clean. If I were to have to stop using it I fear I may end up back on the streets living that same life again all because of an addiction that never goes away, pain that I can never truly be relieved, and a government that does not care if it’s citizens live or die. The thought of being forced into that life again terrifies me. The government should be more focused on fixing our failing economy, not damaging it further by sending people back to the drugs that were once destroying their lives and dropping United States citizens like flies.
In 2016 the DEA attempted to do an emergency ban on kratom and over a million kratom users and half of congress got together and told the DEA to stop what they are doing they are overstepping their boundaries. They stopped. The FDA tried to ban kratom in 2019 and the kratom community and many universities got together and spoke out with not only testimonials, but irrefutable science, and told the FDA to go away and that they had no evidence to back up their attempt to ban it. They did and now they are trying again on an even larger scale to ban kratom since they clearly got nowhere within the United States. Their attack on kratom has not ended though as we now have the FDA attempting to manipulate the WHO and get them to ban kratom and wrongfully so, as the science and users have only further proven them wrong. Kratom is not a danger to public health and the government needs to stop this nonsense once and for all. They are determined to kill people.
A little known fact that the FDA won’t tell you is that kratom is pretty much impossible to overdose and die on because the amount of kratom necessary is absurd and if you are taking kratom leaf you would throw up well before ever dying. Puking on kratom acts as a built in self defense mechanism to stop idiots from overdosing on it. The second you get done puking the high goes away. This may not hold true in the case of extracts, I see them as a waste of money and do not take them, many experienced kratom users do. I have tried them and don’t like them due to them generally being weaker than straight leaf due to not having all of the alkaloids present that are in a whole leaf. When extracts are done wrong it is easy to kill the active alkaloids that cause a high and they are easy to mess up. And yes kratom does get you high, however no it is not “herbal heroin”. The high is nowhere close to heroin or opiates. It is very different with only mild similarities and an overall more natural feeling since it is a naturally occuring substance. Think of spice or K2 versus marijuana. Some versions of the hundreds of spice chemicals may be similar in feeling but one is and also feels lab made with the ability to kill you while the other one is neither of those things, rather it is natural and impossible to die from.
The active ingredients however do play off the same receptors as opioids, just like spice and marijuana both play off THC receptors, and it is because of this people have been able to use it to quit opiates and manage severe pain. I am going on 8 years of daily kratom use and other than the conditions I had before I ever started taking kratom, my neck and back pain, I am in perfect health with no adverse physical or mental effects. My doctor says I am in perfect health and the same goes for millions of other long term kratom users as well. The worst side effect I have ever had from kratom was becoming sick to my stomach from taking too much. Something that was my own fault and did not cause anything negative aside from the spins and me puking. I didn’t die and no blackout, Narcan, or hospital visit was necessary. Also can we touch on the fact that we are adults taking this stuff? I am completely opposed to underage kids and teenagers using it but, for the legal adults taking it, shouldn’t we be able to decide if we want to use a harmless plant to manage our problems or not? Or is it that important that we find a cannabis replacement to keep the DEA busy and well funded while our tax dollars go to waste since reefer madness is ending?
Now let’s get into the real elephant in the room, the real reason they want kratom banned. You cannot patent a plant. The opiate industry is one of the most corrupt legal drug industries in the world, and it runs deep with more money than most of us could ever dream of. These people have the money to buy off government agencies, lobby, and essentially buy politicians for political and financial gain. Once they successfully ban kratom they will immediately come out with a synthetic version of the alkaloids in kratom that will likely be far stronger than the natural plant leaf, and likely with minimal side effects but more dangers than the leaf due to it’s synthetic nature. If you look hard enough the synthetic is already out there and simply hasn’t been sold yet. They will then patent this chemical and sell it through doctors to people while they act as if it is some amazing discovery. In reality they just took an existing chemical, slightly altered it, and banned the competition. The FDA will ban kratom but gladly pass a synthetic version of it or another deadly opiate to kill millions of other people. After all, why would anyone bother buying the new drug if they can just get the original substance it is derived from and have none of the potential side effects; and for far, far cheaper than what they will be selling this drug for in pharmacies. They would make no money on it so long as kratom remains legal. If they ban it they will make billions. Not only from selling the new drug, but from an increase in sales in other opiate drugs thanks to kratom no longer being around to help people get off of their dangerous poison that is opiates.
Another funny story is that the FDA recently approved a drug called Zohydro. This drug is 100mg of pure Vicodin per tablet/capsule. This is enough Vicodin/hydrocodone that one pill is enough to kill a child and two is enough to kill an adult with a low opiate tolerance. This was despite the FDA’s own board of advisors voting 11/2 not to pass it and 40 different scientists writing letters of concern saying not to approve it. The head of the FDA sent it through since she made a ton of money off of the drug. This just goes to show that the FDA does not have the people’s best interests at heart and they are completely out of touch when it comes to the severity of the opiate epidemic we are dealing with in this country, and the rest of the world as well. The FDA has no clue how to solve it, or that they are the ones causing the problem. Kratom is not the problem. The problem is the drug pushers in the government known as the Food and Drug Administration.
The amount of lies going around the internet claiming that kratom is this nightmare “herbal heroin” are complete fear mongering propaganda that is being promoted by companies and news agencies that either have no clue what kratom actually is, or the pharmaceutical companies are paying for the propaganda to help get it banned. This is simply reefer madness all over again and the government knows it. Banning it worldwide is a major over-reach on a plant that doesn’t deserve it. This won’t stop people from taking it either. The only thing this will accomplish is turning normal, everyday people like me that you would never guess take the stuff into criminals for refusing to take the poison they legally sell in pharmacies. Keep kratom legal and stop this governments abuse of it’s citizens. #Kratomsaveslives #kratomsavedmylife #keepkratomlegal
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